Tibetan horse Race.

The Gangia grasslands of Gansu Provence, north China, is populated by semi-nomadic Tibetan herders. It is a friendly place. There, I was privileged to witness a one kilometer horse race that seemed to be sponsored by the local families.  About thirty horses were ridden bare-back over a level valley floor by local boys. The spectators all were gathered near the finish line. Each horse was festooned with a white scarf (a sign of respect in Tibet), the senior llama from a nearby monastery chanted what seemed to be an invocation, and without further ceremony the horses departed for the starting line which was one kilometer distant.  I have tried to capture the spirit of that day in these few images. In case you saw nothing wrong with that photo near the finish line, look again.  You will see four horses but only three riders.  One bare-back rider has fallen from his horse!